A client's conversation with their money: "Many things to many people." financial wellness money conversations Aug 08, 2023


Have you ever had a conversation with your money? Yes, that's right a conversation with your money.  It is highly likely you have not, but this conversation with money has many benefits including increased self-awareness and compassion, increased understanding of your...

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Money Scripts and Realtors financial wellness Jul 08, 2023

Knowing your money scripts can be highly beneficial for a real estate agent in several ways. This blog post aims to define money scripts and how they can support the client-agent relationship in real estate.


Money Scripts


Money scripts are unconscious beliefs formed in...

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Top Benefits of Financial Wellness Groups financial wellbeing financial wellness Jun 14, 2023

Financial Wellness Groups, focused on finances and emotions, can provide a supportive and transformative environment for individuals, couples, and entrepreneurs. Below are some key advantages of group work, specifically targeted at finances and emotions.


Enhanced Learning and...

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Building Generational Wealth: Learning Financial Skills to Build Lasting Wealth financial wellness generational wealth Jan 22, 2023

You are more than capable of learning new money skills, building better relationships, and teaching your kids better habits with money, and it all starts with creating a relationship with money itself. When you think about any relationship, whether with your partner, your friend, or...

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