Why I am going to the North Pole adventure financial health value based budgeting value based living Dec 14, 2021


You may not know this about me but I love adventure. It is a core value of mine.  In my blog, I often talk about values based financial decision making. However, in this post, I would like to share a values based personal story about an upcoming adventure trip. The trip...

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The Gift of Giving to Others couples and money financial anxiety financial boundaries financial well-being Dec 13, 2021

During the month of December we’re bombarded with commercials, emails, and endless posts that advertise the joy of giving to others. The perfect smile on your boyfriend’s face when he opens that new watch or shoebox. The excitement in the eyes of your nephew when he...

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Financial Self-Care: Transforming Stress into Money Gratitude financial anxiety financial boundaries financial health Nov 16, 2021

As the holiday season quickly approaches, many of us can feel an overwhelming sense of financial stress. While we want to feel gratitude and joy in the giving season, it’s just as likely you’re feeling worry and fear around your finances as the end of year closes in. From...

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Money Doesn't Have to be Scary financial anxiety money and emotions value based budgeting Oct 20, 2021

From scary clowns to haunted houses and things that go bump in the night, Halloween brings to light some of our deepest fears. While you curl up on the couch watching ghosts and ghouls this spooky season, consider facing fears of a different variety. Money can be a scary subject to...

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Breaking Psychological Barriers with Money financial anxiety financial health financial rhythm financial well-being value based budgeting Sep 15, 2021

Why does it always feel like money is such a struggle? Whether it’s an unexpected bill that just popped up or an emergency that you never saw coming. Or maybe it’s a more guilty pleasure, like late night online shopping when you know you should be saving. It can feel like...

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Why Financial Independence is the Right Path for Us couples and money financial independence Sep 07, 2021


Financial Independence


Financial independence (FI) is the status of having enough income to pay one's living expenses for the rest of one's life without having to be employed or dependent on others. A lot of people focus on the number you need in order to...

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How To Stick To Your Savings Goals financial health goals Aug 23, 2021

What do you dream about doing if money wasn’t a factor? Would you buy your dream home? Take the vacation of a lifetime with family or friends?  Start your own business? Or just work less? Dreams are the best place to start when you’re making your financial plan and...

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The Pursuit of Financial Independence financial health financial independence Jul 26, 2021


When was the last time you looked at your bank account balance and smiled? More likely, the last time you looked at your bank account or budget, you felt stress, anxiety, and maybe even fear. 


Money brings out intense emotions, but they shouldn’t have to be...

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Mariah Hudler, MSW, MBA, CFT-Iā„¢
The No-Budget Budget
The No-Budget Budget financial health value based budgeting Jul 12, 2021

This audio blog talks about the No-Budget Budget and how to make this budget work for you!



Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

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Value-Based Budgeting: How to Budget Your Money and Time According to Your Values couples and money value based budgeting Jun 17, 2021


Most people hear the word “budget” and instantly cringe. Budgeting usually feels restrictive, like it will keep you from having any fun or buying things you really want. In reality, a budget is neither good nor bad. It’s simply a tool you use to make sure your...

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Navigating FOMO: How to Align Your Spending With Your Money Values fear of missing out value based budgeting value based living May 19, 2021

Scroll through social media or turn on the TV and you’ll find yourself faced with pictures of gourmet dinner dates, perfect destination vacations, and countless designer brand products. FOMO is real, and that fear of missing out on life is at the root of a lot of financial...

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Mariah Hudler, MSW, MBA, CFT-Iā„¢
Values and Cars - Mom says "Cash only"
Values and Cars - Mom says "Cash only" May 14, 2021

Values are things that you believe are important in the way you live and work. They should drive our priorities. This audio blog talks about the money message my mom instilled in me about cars..."cash only"  and how this has been instrumental and funnily played out in my...

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